Thursday, November 7, 2013

Appreciating True Friendship

A lot has been written on the subject of friendship...and I guess I will be one more to write about it.

As we travel the paths of life, there are precious points at which we come across a fellow traveler who fits into our lives as if they were meant to be there all along. They seem to have been perfectly placed  and come into focus at just the right time. And either in that moment or sometime in the future, looking back, it feels as if they were placed here just for us, as our special gift. How wonderful to find someone who can walk by our side and share the journey.

I have been gifted with some great friends and I am so thankful to have them in my life. They are a safe haven when the waters get choppy and a sounding board when I need to talk something out or hear another perspective. They can provide me with unconditional support, not to mention love. They fill the world with reasons to smile and reasons for gratitude.

What a wonderful gift to have those special someones who really see us and "get us," often right from the very start. The world is a better place because they have touched our lives.

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