Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Gratitude Tree in December

December is a great month for a gratitude tree. Start one at the beginning of the month, and it will be loaded with gratitude by the time you celebrate New Year's. Use it to reflect on the many people, places, and things you've appreciated throughout this past year. The gratitude tree is an ideal family activity and one to share with friends, roommates, or to create on your own.

Throughout November, I posted one or more gratitude crafts and activities each day on Facebook and at Pinterest. Of those many projects, there were twelve gratitude tree ideas included. Although you may notice a number of similarities between these tree designs, each one has its own unique way of envisioning a gratitude tree. So check them out and consider creating one now or in the future.

Here are links to each of the gratitude tree projects:

  1. A large wall cutout display with brown paper tree and construction paper leaves.
  2. A fabric cutout tree on canvas. (image above)
  3. A paper bag tree...perfect for children.
  4. A tree branch with hanging tags. (image below on left)
  5. Decorative display of colorful twigs and faux craft store leaves.
  6. A framed tree cutout with construction paper leaves.
  7. A framed 8x10 printable tree with printable leaves.
  8. A 3x4 foot paper tree cutout on wall with construction paper leaves.
  9. A branch, a pot, and some construction paper leaves.
  10. A branch and mod podged leaves.
  11. Another branch with hanging construction paper leaves. (The tree of thanks seen below) 
  12. A 6 foot tall tree made of crumbled paper bag pieces against a sliding glass door.
and then one more idea: The thankful branch with hanging tags.

Show Me Crafts: Gratitude Tree
From Show Me Crafts

From: In Lieu of Preschool

If December is too hectic a month for a gratitude tree, consider creating one in January. It's a great way to start the year. And of course, any month can become a gratitude month.

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