Monday, March 24, 2014
Grateful for a Roof Over My Head
It could be easy to take a home for granted, especially if you have always had a roof over your head. But the warmth and shelter of a house or apartment is truly something to be grateful for. Many people go to sleep at night in the cold, susceptible to the elements. Many spend their days worrying about where they can find shelter that night.
I have a warm bed to sleep in, a bathroom only steps away, running water and plumbing, food in the refrigerator, and the comforts of a home. I choose NOT to take these for granted.
When you are struggling to meet your basic needs, your life force is directed towards survival. There's little or no time, or space, or energy for the luxury of being creative, for focusing on personal growth, and on the things you love to do.
My basic needs are met and for that I am so very grateful.
This is day 23 of the Thirty Days of Gratitude.